I am a professor of astrophysics at the University of Zurich. My research is focussed on understanding the origin and evolution of the Universe and how stars, planets and galaxies form. I enjoy communicating science to the public through different media, including writing books, producing music & collaborating with artists. I write a regular column for Das Magazin and I was scientist in residence at the Rietberg Museum & the KOSMOS cultural centre in Zurich where I hosted the occasional ‘Late night science show’!
News: My latest book is “Unrewarded: the discovery of our universe in 42 Nobel Prizes that were never awarded”. In german “Sternenstaub. Die Geschichte des Universums in 42 nie verliehenen Nobelpreisen” published in November 2022 with Kein & Aber. “Mond – Eine Biografie“, published with Kein & Aber, is also available in German from all good bookstores, amazon, or ebook. It is also available in English (only on amazon) with the title “Moon: Past, Present & Future” as a softcover or ebook.